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供应航材 LM3103MH 2500个 全新原装进口现货
The LM3103 Synchronously Rectified Buck Converter fea-tures all required functions to implement a highly efficient andcost effective buck regulator. It is capable of supplying 0.75Ato loads with an output voltage as low as 0.6V. Dual N-Chan-nel synchronous MOSFET switches allow a low componentcount, thus reducing complexity and minimizing board size.Different from most other COT regulators, the LM3103 doesnot rely on output capacitor ESR for stability, and is designedto work exceptionally well with ceramic and other very lowESR output capacitors. It requires no loop compensation, re-sults in a fast load transient response and simple circuitimplementation. The operating frequency remains nearly con-stant with line variations due to the inverse relationship be-tween the input voltage and the on-time. The operatingfrequency can be externally programmed up to 1 MHz. Pro-tection features include VCCunder-voltage lock-out, outputover-voltage protection, thermal shutdown, and gate driveunder-voltage lock-out. The LM3103 is available in the ther-mally enhanced eTSSOP-16 package
Rockwellcollins, Hamilton,Cole,Goodrich,Honeywell,AMETEK, B/E Aerospace,Holmbergm,Barden,HEICO,Technofan,OTTO,Meggitt,
Aeroflex,3DPLUS, VPT,XILINX,ATMEL , AAC - AMERICAN AEROSPACE,Barnbrook System, FGP Sensor, DDC, Q-Tech,PerkinElmer,Vicor Power,Digi, Microsemi等军工品牌.
PEAK , Meanwell , Omron, AMIC, Renesas, Fujistu, Atmel, FSC, Murata,TI, NSC, AD,Winstar,Bourns,Chinfa,JLW,MIT,Semikron,Winbond,Kingbright, Forard 等其他品牌。
公司宗旨: 质量保证, 价格优惠,信誉! First Come, First Serve!